

Our students receive a well-rounded and rigorous education along with a strong catechetical formation through our religion instruction and regular participation in Mass, special religious celebrations, and community service. Below is a brief description of each subject.

Religion Curriculum

The Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend has developed Catechetical Curriculum Guidelines based upon the directives of the 2005 National Directory for Catechesis. Because the aim of Catechesis, according to Pope Paul II is “to bring each person into union and intimacy with Christ” there must be the engagement of the mind and heart as these guidelines direct. Practical and interactive life application and prayer assist in this process of engaging and forming the whole person. The teachers in school assist the parents in providing practical applications, prayer experiences, and community worship at Mass. Through the curriculum guidelines, each grade level has a different goal, but one builds upon the other. Kindergarten: God the Creator and Holy Family Grade One: God gives His Son, Jesus Grade Two: Preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist Grade Three: Understanding the Church Grade Four: The Ten Commandments Grade Five: The Seven Sacraments Grade Six: The Old Testament Grade Seven: Three units: three of the tasks of Catechesis:

  • Christological approach to New Testament (Creed)   (following Old Testament in Grade Six)
  • Confirmation Preparation (Sacraments)
  • Prayer

Grade Eight: Three units: the other three of the six tasks of Catechesis:

  • Morality
  • Community
  • Missionary Spirit and Church History

Our Sunday Visitor "I Am Special" is used in Kindergarten. Sadlier "We Believe" are the texts used in Grades 1 to 5. St. Mary's Press "Catholic Connections: Middle School Handbook" is used in Grades 6-7. St. Mary's Press "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" is used in Grade 8. Additional Resources will be posted as they come available. 

Language Arts Curriculum

The State of Indiana has established academic standards that clearly outline what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. At all grade levels, the study of language arts includes: Reading: Word Recognition, fluency, and Vocabulary Development Reading: Comprehension and Analysis of Nonfiction and Informational Text Reading: Comprehension and Analysis of Literary Text Writing: Processes and Features Writing: Applications (Different Types of Writing and Their Characteristics) Writing: English Language Conventions Listening and Speaking: Skills, Strategies, and Applications Textbooks used and links to the publishers' websites for additional resources are: Reading K-5 Macmillan/McGraw-Hill ©2003 Literature 6-8 McDougall, Littell Language of Literature     grade 6     grade 7     grade 8 Language Arts K-5 Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Language of Literature ©2002 Language Arts 6-8 McDougal Language Network ©2001 Handwriting K-4 Universal Publishing Writing Our Catholic Faith

Mathematics Curriculum

The State of Indiana has established academic standards that clearly outline what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. At all grade levels, the study of language arts includes: Reading: Word Recognition, fluency, and Vocabulary Development Reading: Comprehension and Analysis of Nonfiction and Informational Text Reading: Comprehension and Analysis of Literary Text Writing: Processes and Features Writing: Applications (Different Types of Writing and Their Characteristics) Writing: English Language Conventions Listening and Speaking: Skills, Strategies, and Applications Textbooks used and links to the publishers' websites for additional resources are: Reading K-5 Macmillan/McGraw-Hill ©2003 Literature 6-8 McDougall, Littell Language of Literature     grade 6     grade 7     grade 8 Language Arts K-5 Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Language of Literature ©2002 Language Arts 6-8 McDougal Language Network ©2001 Handwriting K-4 Universal Publishing Writing Our Catholic Faith

Science Curriculum

The State of Indiana has established academic standards that clearly outline what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. At all grade levels the study of science includes: The Nature of Science and Technology Scientific Thinking The Physical Setting The Living Environment The Mathematical World Historical Perspectives: 6th-8th Common Themes Textbooks used (links to the publishers' websites for additional resources will be made available at a later date) Science K-5 Pearson Education Scott Foresman ©2006 Science 6-8 Holt, Rinehart Winston Holt Science and Technology ©2005

Social Studies Curriculum

The State of Indiana has established academic standards that clearly outline what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. At all grade levels the study of science includes: The Nature of Science and Technology Scientific Thinking The Physical Setting The Living Environment The Mathematical World Historical Perspectives: 6th-8th Common Themes Textbooks used (links to the publishers' websites for additional resources will be made available at a later date) Science K-5 Pearson Education Scott Foresman ©2006 Science 6-8 Holt, Rinehart Winston Holt Science and Technology ©2005

Technology Curriculum

All grade levels will receive technology (computer) instruction based on their ability level and addressing the ISTE Standards. The typical process is introduce new skills, work on developing the skills learned, master the skill learned, and then have the skill connected to use in their classwork. The skills are multi-faceted and not intended to be mastered within the year it is introduced. Below is a brief description on ISTE standard areas addressed at each grade level. All grade levels will be taught age-appropriate safety precautions and etiquette when using the Internet or email.

Kindergarten – First Grade:

  1.          Care and Use of the Computer
  2.          Computer Hardware
  3.          Basic Computer Skills
  4.          Typing and Word Processing
  5.          Designing
  6.          Internet Basics
  7.          Integrated – Multi-Media

Second Grade:

  1.          Care and Use of the Computer
  2.          Computer Hardware
  3.           Basic Computer Skills
  4.           Typing and Word Processing
  5.           Designing
  6.           Presentations
  7.           Internet Basics
  8.           Integrated – Multi-Media

Third – Eighth Grade:

  1.           Care and Use of the Computer
  2.           Computer Hardware
  3.           Basic Computer Skills
  4.            Typing and Word Processing
  5.            Designing
  6.            Presentations
  7.            Speadsheets
  8.            Internet Basics
  9.            Integrated – Multi-Media

Keyboarding Goals Kindergarten – Second Grade: Work on Good Habits Third Grade: 15 wpm (words per minute) Fourth Grade: 25 wpm Fifth Grade: 30 wpm Sixth –Eighth Grade: 35 wpm or higher.

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